Monday, December 3, 2012


Virgina City Haunted Mine.

Reno Family Photos - The Jensen's

Utah Salt Flats

Vintage Trucker stop at the salt flats.
Of course, Ben had his skateboard in the trunk, so we got creative.
Here is what I saw, some of it might not be what you think to look at, but I guess that is what keeps photography interesting.


Spent the holidays in Sandy Utah with the Cornell's and the Jensens.
We played iphone games, I lost to my 4 year old nephew playing stack the states.
He also told me that someone told him 'I was very talented with the camera'.
I blushed.
I was more flattered to hear this from him than from most - he is very picky.

That being said, here are some pics from the time we spent together.

It runs in the Family

My cousin wields the camera.
Grandma Ruth would be proud of all the artists in the family.
Check out her blog and her Etsy, she is doing really great stuff.
So proud.
Andy LeBarge