Monday, August 8, 2016

Mortenson and Garol Family Photography

I got there early and the light was just crazy beautiful. You know I did that photographer thing where you run around and look for good spots to shoot, and then you shoot and check all your settings yadda yaddda. I took these photos with my Mark2 5D with a 50mm prime lens. I usually shoot between F2.8-1.4. I love bokeh and crispness in my shots. These photos were taken in Reno, Nevada on the Trukee River. 

This one is interesting- I took it because it looked like a place that someone was my third eye creeped in, and I felt like someone was sitting there, if you know what I mean ;)

They are here! Since the sun was getting close to the mountain ridge, I just started shooting everything. That's usually how I do lifestyle photos - it's just click, click, thinking - something good will come out of this...

She had a HUGE strange bug on her shirt, they both freaked out the SAME WAY. It was really cute.

And then you get photos like these and you just can't keep your excitement contained.

Wife yelled 'take off your glasses!'...SO funny.

"Gotta get these 2 year old boots over my new baby bumb"

WhAT?! The light and the water and the rocks and the little fairy child?!?!

These two are REALLY good friends, like 'I got your back all the time, and I love your child like my own' friends. Of course, I moved away from Reno just as they moved back. Ohh well cest la vie.

THE LIGHT- everyone in there places NOW...(impossible with a 2 year old and a dog) here are the series of pictures leading up to the one which actually worked.

And there you have it.

Boots OFF NOW.

It's real life man, photo shoots with babies will always include poop.

 Ima gonna KISS yous!

Yeah, that baby aint' sayin shit.

"I'll try!"

And photo shoots with babies will always include boobs

That 'Goddess mother breastfeeding pic!' - thats what she called it. I toots agree. 

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